National Day of Panhandling for Reparations
OK, so sometimes you can symbolically support a movement, right? I got $6 coming to me from a white friend, and I will definitely reroute it for the revolution!
I saw this on
Today is the National Day of Panhandling for Reparations! People all across the United States are taking an hour or two to sit in a range of locations in their communities: outside of businesses, libraries, museums, art galleries, or on busy street corners. We wear signs reminding passersby of the history of slavery in the United States. We collect reparations in the form of money from white Americans for the enslavement and free-labor of Africans and African Americans during the establishment and economic rise of this country. This money is immediately paid out to black passersby. Both parties are offered a receipt. We do this to offer a convenient opportunity for American citizens to acknowledge, apologize and compensate the unpaid labor of African Americans, the travesty of slavery, and the rightful due of reparations."
National Day of Panhandling for Reparations was created by artist
damali ayo.
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